Monday, January 28, 2008

Flyer of New Book from Publisher is Ready - "Black America, Body Beautiful"

Greetings Everyone,

I just learned a couple of days ago that my flyer to my new book has been posted on the publisher's website. If you want to see my new book flyer, go to the following site:

The flyer includes a description of the book and a PRE-ORDER FORM. If you want to pre-order your book, go to:

Look forward to your responses to my new book.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Book Coming This Spring - "Black America, Body Beautiful"

Greetings Everyone,

I was just informed yesterday from my editor that my brand new book entitled, "Black America, Body Beautiful: How the African American Image is Changing Fashion, Fitness, and Other Industries," is scheduled to be released to the public on June 30, 2008. I am very excited and looking foward to promoting my new book this summer.

I believe that it is a very timely topic and much needed showcase of African American preferred body images and body types. It's truly amazing how we have endured so much ridicule and denial of our own beauty for centuries. Now with this book, I will show how African Americans have not only endured this challenge of how we look and how we view ourselves but I will also show how NOW more than ever OUR BODY IMAGES AND BODY TYPES ARE CHANGING THE WORLD PARTICULARLY IN FASHION, FITNESS, ENTERTAINMENT, AND POLITICS.

So there it is. This is the first announcement of my new book -- Black America, Body Beautiful: How the African American Image is Changing Fashion, Fitness, and Other Industries.
I will be providing you more updates and promotional informationn about my exciting new book!

If you would like to know more about my book, feel free to email or leave a message on the blog.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How Our Body Images and Body Types are Changing the World!

Greetings Everyone,

This is the very first entry into this blog and I feel that this is a blog that is desperately needed. Why?

First, there is no place on the web or the traditional media outlets that regularly talks about the POSITIVE issues related to African American body types and body images. Unfortunately, in our society, we have paid very little attention to African American body images and body types.

Second, in our society, we are so obsessed with following "mainstream America's" body images and body types that it has blurred the images and beauty of all of other body types and body images particularly African Americans.

Third, we need a place on the web for people to share their experiences (good and bad) on the issues related to African American body types and images (i.e.. positive or negative feedback from society about your physical image).

Finally, this blog is here to begin a CULTURAL REVOLUTION throughout the world that will show how important it is for ALL OF US paricularly African Americans to be VERY PROUD OF ONE'S PHYSICAL APPEARANCE, BODY TYPE AND BODY IMAGE!

So please join me on this journey and Cultural Revolution in CHANGING the WORLD'S VIEW OF THE AFRICAN AMERICAN IMAGE.